Recent regulatory changes in Australia have resulted in new laws being put in place for new and existing buildings with combustible cladding. Far East Organisation (FEO) were advised of the potential that the existing cladding is non-compliant in nature and requested that Gallagher Jeffs proceed with seeking testing and verification of the material.
Following this advice, testing of the 570 George Street façade cladding has been completed and it was discovered that the cladding contains in excess of 95% combustible material. To reduce the fire risk of the building and to ensure it meets the current Building Code of Australia, as well as insurance requirements, the existing cladding is being replaced with a non-combustible product.
The façade replacement works are being managed concurrently with the complete base building upgrade to high levels of design, safety, functionality and quality. The repositioning is targeted at attracting a new mix of tenants commencing occupation in late 2020. The building will target a B-Grade level of quality and finish in line with the Property Council of Australia guidelines and targeting a 4.5 star Nabers rating.
Gallagher Jeffs was appointed as Project Manager and working with FEO to design, tender and manage the both the replacement of the combustible cladding of the 23-storey tower located in the heart of Sydney CBD.